karapo security services

Karapo security is a protection and safety service dedicated to providing the best security services to customers. we boast a 24hour control room that services as the heartbeat of out operations. our offices are operations, trained in their various fields of application, ranging from stock controllers to public relations officers. provision of armed security officers, estate security and retail security as well as the installations of state of the art electronic security system are but a few of our specialties.
+27 725 422 315
80130 Zakheni Leratong, Kwamhlanga, Mpumalanga 1022
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Contact no of karapo security services is +27 725 422 315
karapo security services situated on mpumalanga and address of karapo security services is 80130 Zakheni Leratong, Kwamhlanga, Mpumalanga 1022